Successful steel-making machine alignment and control solutions begin with a careful assessment of our customers' requirements, from the operations and maintenance teams to plant conditions and operating procedures. Sequence continuously develops and refines systems to incorporate the latest technology to increase the throughput of your plant, raise the quality of your product, and improve the efficiency of your production. We offer customers our expertise in the following solutions:
Solutions offered to measure the gap between rolls to assure proper movement of the slab and prevent premature mechanical failures
Align the mold with the first segment in billet and bloom casters to ensure high surface quality during steel production
Reduce surface defects and mechanical wear by using the battery-powered mold taper gauge designed by Sequence Technologies.
Measure the wear and alterations in taper angle of mold tubes using this simple tool from Sequence Technologies.
Eliminate manual mold setup methods with Sequence Technologie's non-contact mold width setup gauge.
Accurately align the Submerged Entry Nozzle (SEN) using non-contact laser tools