Quantify the vibration of your equipment using accelerometers. These sensors measure inertial forces (g forces) in three directional axes, allowing operators to monitor and optimize their steel-making processes. The instruments themselves are designed for the harshest industrial environments.
ST703 Triaxial Accelerometers

The ST703-3C Series Triaxial accelerometer sensor is used to measure acceleration, motion or vibration with exceptional reliability and un

precedented accuracy. Three Capacitive type accelerometer sensor chips, ideal for slow vibration applications, are encapsulated in a compact stainless steel housing, which provides protection from harsh mill conditions. These sensors are used for measuring the oscillation of continuous caster mold tables, which can range in speeds from 60 to 300 plus cycles per minute as well as turret bearing vibration. Sequence Technologies also provides Piezoelectric type accelerometers which are more suited for higher speed applications such as motor bearing and gear condition monitoring.